Function executeOperationList

  • The core function of the SDK. It takes in a list of operations and a wallet, and then sends the operations to the DARC contract. This is different from the By-law Script, which compile and run the code directly.


    • operationList: OperationStruct[]

      The list of operations to be sent to the DARC contract

    • wallet: Wallet

      The wallet to be used to sign the transaction (provider must be set)

    • targetDARCAddress: string

      The address of the DARC contract to be used

    • Optional notes: string

      The notes to be attached to the program

    • Optional delegateToAddress: string

      If the signer is not the operator, but the operator has approved the signer to sign on its behalf, then the signer can set this parameter to the operator's address. Otherwise, leave it undefined.

    Returns Promise<void>

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